Call for Papers
The BigDIA 2023 will bring together research scientists from academia, industries, and government agencies to report progress and exchange ideas to address challenges in fundamental research and rapid knowledge translation in collecting, processing, analyzing, integrating, annotating and visualizing Big Data for scientific exploration, business and policy decision-making. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Fundamental theories for Big Data analytics
- Statistical theories for Big Data
- Computer science theories for Big Data
- Mathematical theories for Big Data
- Big Data computing: architecture, infrastructure, database, algorithm, platform, visualization
- Programming models and environments for cluster, cloud, and grid computing to support Big Data
- Swarm intelligence
- Cognitive computing for Big Data
Application areas
- EHR and health care Big Data
- Bioinformatics
- Precision medicine
- Multimedia and multi-structured Data
- Finance and economics
- Wearable or mobile device data
- Internet of things
- Big Data prediction and decision-support systems
- Cloud/Grid/Stream data mining- big velocity data
- Big Data management in cloud
- Industrial Big Data
Paper Submission
You are invited to submit full papers (a maximum of 8 pages including references), written in English and be formatted according to the IEEE conference templates which can be downloaded at here.
Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into the IEEE XploreTM.
Please visit BigDIA 2023 WebPage for more information about BigDIA 2023.Paper submissions are to be made using exclusively EasyChair Submission window as PDF files.
Important Dates
October 10 October 30
Paper Submission Deadline
November 15
Notification of Acceptance
November 30
Camera-ready Submission
December 15-17
BigDIA 2023 Conference